Enhanced Cybersecurity Services

Get Greater Data and Network Protection Against Modern Cybersecurity Threats

Does This Sound Like You?

Tired of worrying if your company will be the victim of a phishing or ransomware attack?

Sick of wondering if your team will respond appropriately to security threats?

Weary of agonizing over whether your cybersecurity approach, endpoint security, and tools are good enough?

Your New IT Services Plan Includes These Enhanced Cybersecurity Features

Advanced EDR Threat Protection Endpoint Security

Unified Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for Cloud, Remote Access, and All Points of Entry

Email encryption

Recurring Security Awareness Training and Phish Testing for Your Entire Team

Reduce Your Risk Even More With Our
Advanced Cybersecurity Offerings

MDR and Cloud MDR for Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace

24/7/365 Security Operations Center (SOC)

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

Backup and Data Recovery

Security risk assessment

Password management

Breach detection

Mobile Device Management
(MDM) +

Vulnerability scanning

Penetration testing

Recurring cybersecurity framework audits

Dark web credential monitoring

Threat is a mirror of security gaps. Cyber-threat is mainly a reflection of our weaknesses. An accurate vision of digital and behavioral gaps is crucial for a consistent cyber-resilience.

― Stéphane Nappo, Vice President & Global Chief Information Security Officer, Groupe SEB

The 6 Things Your Current IT Provider Is Getting Wrong About Cybersecurity

It's time we all got real about cybersecurity. Your business is at high risk for a damaging cyber-event, now more than ever before.

    Ready for a true, managed IT Services partner?