3 Considerations to Improve Your Business’ IT Processes
Even if your business isn’t specifically a tech or IT firm, you will still need to have a computer network and efficient IT processes in place. In today’s modern age, the majority of companies will benefit from being digitized and having IT processes that will greatly enhance their operations and ensure that they are running as efficiently as possible.
Regardless of your industry, there are key things you can implement in your process that will increase operational efficiency. In the next few points, we’ll outline the three ways you will be able to easily improve your business’s IT processes.
Cloud Computing
With all the changes in technology today, one of the biggest changes companies are adopting is Cloud Computing. Why? It’s secure, scalable, and is a key method of disaster recovery. There’s no wonder why cloud computing has become a $150 billion industry when you can see all of the advantages that it can bring modern companies these days.
By using cloud servers, you can remotely access all of the data and files that are stored on a cloud-hosted storage medium. If you also utilize cloud software and platforms, these can also be accessed remotely. That’s good news for road warriors, and members of management teams, who may easily check-in on the progress of their team members.
Additionally, cloud-hosted resources are very secure. Every cloud provider uses the latest methods of encryption which can keep all kinds of stored information secure against various types of threats, including hackers and viruses. Most cloud-hosted resources are frequently backed up, making recovery in the case of failure for any reason a breeze.
There are also a range of different cloud platforms that businesses can take advantage of such as virtual desktops and hosted email. One benefit is that using these kinds of platforms is that they can leave them entirely to their cloud provider. The provider will deal with these platforms and handle any issues. You as a business won’t have to worry about them and can focus on other aspects of your company.
Disaster Recovery And Backup Plans
Something else that can improve a business’s IT processes is having a good disaster recovery and backup plan in place. If you don’t already have a plan for this in place, then you could find that a data breach could spell the end for your company. That’s because you could end up unable to retrieve any lost data which could prove to be extremely costly and time consuming. There are lots of companies who have realized that they would have been able to handle the situation a lot more efficiently and inexpensively had they had a plan in place that they could have followed. However, creating one after a data breach usually proves to be too late.
So, if your company doesn’t already have a disaster recovery backup plan in place, you should really think about scheduling an assessment with a managed service provider’s cyber security expert as soon as possible. Once such a plan is in place, you will find that you can enjoy a lot more peace of mind and won’t be so worried about losing extensive data.
Traditionally, some businesses regarded their IT backup as something that should be carried out on a schedule, for example on a set day of the week. This has now become a very outdated way of thinking about backup as it is now possible to ensure that your business’s IT network is being continually backed up. If you use the Mentis Group’s Restore Point service, you will be able to take advantage of continual backup without worrying about ever missing any data at all. Along with your business’s data, you will also be able to backup clients contact information as well as financial accounts and legal contracts.
Cyber Security
The risk of cyber threats for small and medium-sized businesses has never been quite so large. If a company doesn’t take its cybersecurity seriously these days, then it could risk losing the majority, if not all, of its data. One issue that many companies have is that their employees end up putting their cybersecurity at risk through bad practices. Thankfully, there is a way around this – you just need to ensure that they are regularly trained in the handling of company data and know exactly how they can keep it safe and secure while working with it.
Here at the Mentis Group, we offer our Mentis Cyber Security Training that you can use to ensure your employees are all on the right page when it comes to your company’s cybersecurity. It uses a range of interactive modules, newsletters, and video training so you will be able to carry it out in your own office.
In addition to carrying out this kind of regular training for your employees, you should also think about carrying out some baseline testing so that you can see how prone your IT system is to various cyber threats. By creating various reports on the level of your company’s cybersecurity, you should get an idea of just how well protected your IT processes are.
As you can see, it should be quite simple to improve your business’s IT processes if you focus on the above three ways. If you need any more advice on how to do this, then get in touch with us here at the Mentis Group and we will be more than happy to discuss your business and its digital needs. Our team of IT experts are just a phone call away!